Friday, October 9, 2009


Walking into work this morning with a hot coffee in my hand. It's hard to believe fall is here again. My gloves are on with a scarf wrapped snug against my neck. Crisp air has me walking fast and greatly appreciating the warmth from the coffee mug in my hand. It's dark but I know there are golden hot pink leafs on the trees around me and a smile appears across my face. Fall is a short lived but a beautiful time of year in the Pacific Northwest. I have lived here only 7 year and come from the hot and humid south where there is no fall or spring only perpetual sunny days with widely outrageous thunderstorms. As much as I love the beauty here I don't know that it will ever be enough to get me through the the next months of rain and cold.

It's morning again and I'm sitting in my living room enjoying a hot cup of cinnamon coffee. I'm looking out the window and wondering what kind of day will land before me. I love mornings because of the endless opportunity it brings. I could go for a run or mountain bike with my boyfriend. It looks kind of gloomy out...maybe yoga? I need centering...I need balance. I need a life that is my own. Trapped in this body with a name. My spirit wants to bust out and fly. Fly to Spain to Africa to some unknown land where there is a waterfall that has never been seen by any human body ever before. Limited by this body which moves slowly and when it moves fast only about 8 minutes a mile. Not fast enough to ever get me to the other side of the world and back to bed, my own bed in one day. Humbled by this limited life I live. Humbled by the limits of my brain. Humbled by my life I was born into. This life experience is gift...a slow tough gift. Value it love it treasure it. Give this gift the gift of being awake and alert to all that goes on at every moment. Come home to presents...

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