Saturday, September 26, 2009

Life is Amazing!

This morning I ran 8 miles my last weekend before the Portland Marathon. It was one of those runs where I wonder how it is that I ever manage to run marathons at all. There was only about three minutes during the entire run where I felt good. The rest of time I just wanted to stop and walk. Maybe this last week of training I over did it. Also, I have been trying to loose about 3 more pounds before the race so maybe I didn't get enough food into my stomach yesterday. At any rate I am so glad this mornings run is over so I can focus on other things...My dog for instance. My partner goes out of town a lot and that I means the pup and I are on our own. Which is fine except, Joey the dog is infatuated with my better half, not me. I don't give him the same amount of attention as Trey the boyfriend does. Today I will try and spend some quality time with him before I return to my duties of my self induced busy life. Seeing how little time I spend with my dog makes me wonder what kind of mother I will be if I ever become one. My life is so full of training. Year round. Monday is about the only day that I take off from running, biking, or swimming. Alright, I don't think I can squeeze one more topic into this shot run on paragraph. Thanks for reading.

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